The "Double Rainbow" is a viral video that started trending in 2010. This video was filmed by Paul 'Bear' Vasquez (Double Rainbow Guy), who was once an MMA fighter. The video was filmed in his front yard, near the Yosemite National Park. The video is basically a very excited and enthusiastic reaction to the natural phenomenon of a double rainbow . Timeline: Vasquez posted the video to YouTube on January 8, 2010. On July 3, Jimmy Kimmel linked to the video to twitter stating that he and his friend have declared it the, "funniest video in the world." Video quickly gained over one million views. On July 16, the video was featured on, they announced that the video had gained 4.8 million views. On July 26, 2010, Vasquez was interviewed by Kimmel on Jimmy Kimmel Live! In 2011, Paul appeared in a commercial , parodying the video. As of April 201...